Dresden International School is pleased to host its first debating tournament on the occasion of its 25th Anniversary. The tournament will be held at DIS School Campus in the historic Baroque city of Dresden on the 7 and 8 May 2022, using the World Schools Debate format. We invite debating clubs of international schools and local schools to join. We hope to hold the tournament face-to-face but have a backup plan for an online tournament depending on the COVID situation.
Junior (beginner) and Senior (advanced) teams will debate both prepared and impromptu motions. The prepared motions will be announced to teams in advance.
To participate in this event, please register your team(s) and judge(s) using the form located on the DIS Debating Society website where you also find all details about the event: https://sites.google.com/dresden-is.de/disdebatingsociety/home
The deadline to register and to pay the fee is Friday, 22 April. The participation fee is due on Friday, 29 April. We are looking forward to hosting this event.