3-5 Year Olds
Multi-age groupings for our three- to five-year-olds provide leadership opportunities for all children, make it easier to differentiate for challenges or early cognitive spikes, facilitate continuous progress at an individual’s pace, benefit from powerful peer modeling, and provide meaningful, engaged learning. Children spend two years with the same teaching team and in the same classroom.
There are three groups of children. Each group with student:teacher ratio of 9:1 is guided by qualified and caring full-time teachers.
They are housed in the historic villa at Goetheallee 18 in Dresden-Blasewitz.
To start in these groups, children need be 3 by 30th June. Start is preferably at the beginning of the school year but entering the preschool is also possible throughout the year.
English is the predominant language of communication. German is also introduced through songs, stories and other resources.