Frequently Asked Questions
Please find below a list of Frequently Asked Questions. If you can't find the answer to your question, please contact our Admissions Office.
Please find below a list of Frequently Asked Questions. If you can't find the answer to your question, please contact our Admissions Office.
Preschool Campus
The morning sing-along begins at 8:45 and classes end at 15:15 (on Tuesdays at 14:20). The school opens at 7:30 and closes at 18:00.
School Campus
> Kindergarten classes begin at 8:20 and end daily at 15:20. Care offered from 7:30 until 18:00.
> In the Primary Years Program, classes begin at 8:20 and end at 15:15 (Tuesdays at 14:30 pm). On Wednesdays all PYP classes begin at 8:40. The school opens at 7:00 and closes at 18:00.
> Classes for Middle Years Program students (Grade 6-10) start at 8:30 and finish at the latest by 15:45.
> Classes for Diploma Program students (Grade 11 and 12) start at 8:30 and finish at the latest by 15:45.
School care / After School Care is a free service for Preschool, Kindergarten and Primary students.
Morning school care at our Preschool Campus, for ages 1 to 5 years, starts at 7:30 and afternoon care ends at 18:00.
Morning care at the School Campus for kindergarten students begins at 7:30 and for all other PYP students at 7:00 until school starts at 8:30. The after-school programme is offered until 18:00.
DIS offers Holiday Care for children from Preschool to Grade 4 during the fall, winter, Easter, and summer breaks.
Generally, we run Holiday Care Programmes on both campuses. However, this depends on the number of children registered for each grade level. We do not offer Holiday Care during the Christmas Break and the last two weeks of summer break.
We do not charge for Holiday Care for Preschool children and Kindergarten students. All other grade levels will be charged € 30 a day, not including lunch.
We are able to accommodate a maximum of 21 students per class in Grades 1 through 12. However, the average class size is 16 to 18 students. We have two classes per grade level.
Preschool and kindergarten classes have lower caps.
The main language of instruction and conversation in our classrooms is English. There are classes for German as a first or additional language starting in Grade 1. Spanish instruction is required for Grades 6 to 10.
The preschool programme is in English, however it is informally bilingual, for example, teachers may do circle time in German once or twice a week. Teachers also introduce unit vocabulary in both languages, teach German songs, and read German books during story time.
DIS does not have a school uniform. There is a required sports uniform which may be purchased on both campuses.
The EAL (English as Additional Language) programme exists to ensure that students arriving at the school with limited or no experience in English are supported during their acquisition of English.
In the Primary School, EAL is supported by:
> EAL classes during first period
> Vocal EAL club after school
> Extra help in the regular classroom and/or
> Focused instruction in small groups in the EAL classroom
The particular requirements of the transfer school as well as the leaving report card of the student play an important role in whether a child can transfer and to which school. If parents wish, Grade 4 students receive a recommendation from our Primary School concerning further education.
Many internationally oriented German universities accept the IB Diploma. For the recognition of the IB Diploma as the German Abitur, specific requirements have to be met. For more information please see the "Agreement of Recognition of the 'International Baccalaureate Diploma/Diplôme du Baccalauréat International' ".
Yes, please find out more under Tuition Fee & Financial Assistance.
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