Welcome to the 2020-21 School Year! We welcomed 500 new and returning students to our two campuses. It was a particularly important first day for the 60 new students and their families who have joined DIS. On August 15, we also hosted our first school celebration of 2020/21 with the "Zuckertütenfest" for our Grade 1 students. It was a proud day of celebration for our Graduating Class of 2032. As ever with this annual tradition, it was an enjoyable moment for families and staff as our young students continue their learning pathway in the Primary Years Programme. What a great way to start the year!
Our commitment this year is to ensure that our students achieve academic growth through safe on campus face to face learning. For this, we will need to prioritize student, faculty, and staff health, safety, and well-being to protect this opportunity to return to learning on campus.