Winner of Banned Book Competition

Each year libraries around the world highlight the need to empower people to choose what they read for themselves. We have learnt from history that controlling knowledge, through avenues like banning books, can be detrimental
to our community. Each person has a right and freedom to choose what they read. And we need to give them the skills to identify what is worthwhile to take from each text and also when to question it for themselves.  So, we highlight some of the books that have been banned or challenged throughout history. We also have a competition, asking students to guess the book (a section of) that was in the jar, one that had been challenged or banned in the past in some part of the world. 

This year we did not have a winner for jar 1 which housed "My Sister´s Keeper"
by Jodi Picoult. No one could guess this nor research it correctly.  Jar 2 was solved. The winner was Maja S. of Grade 6b who guessed correctly that it was the "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain.  Congratulations!